BREAST AESTHETIC Breast region is very important for women in terms of physiological and psychological. In order to eliminate the discomfort in person caused by Weight loss, weight gain, pregnancy, menopause and genetic factors; physiological distress is prevented and aesthetically more beautiful appearance is achieved. The breast aesthetics can be examined under three main headings (breast augmentation, dumbing and reduction).
Nowadays, considering the importance given to aesthetics, the solution of the problems that makes the person feel bad him / herself is more healthy and simple with the increasing technologies and developments.In order to overcome the discomfort of the person due to the small size of the breast area, a certain volume and aesthetics are obtained by using the apparatus that we call silicon by our experts. With the use of new generation silicones, there is no discomfort after surgery.The silicones used are extremely healthy and have no carcinogenic effect, also the gel structure inside it is very healthy and the materials without side effects are preferred. Breast enlargement operations are performed by starting from three regions (underarm, breast underline and nipple).
Too large breast tissue cause psychological and physiological problems in patients. Physiologically, there are patients who affected from problems such as incline to forward, back pain, and extremely difficult breathing. In the reduction operations, the breast tissue, fat tissue and the nipple area we call brown are reduced.
As a result of occurred appearance due to weight loss, genetic factors,sagging of breast tissue and various reasons, breast lifting operation is made for increasing the happiness of the person in social life. If the being big or small of the existing tissue is not a problem for the patients, only the breast lifting operations are performed.However, this operation can be done parallel to enlargement and reduction procedures to the patients who have volume problems.